Thursday, December 31, 2009
square grey chins
shuck and jive and laugh
like peter pans band
like boys lost in time
pulpit pounding gestures
a revival of spirit
malt liquor communion
nicotine smiles
and sun washed faces
handsome and strong
standing on corners
from brown paper sacks
enjoying the moment
only the moment
shrugging off the past
and troubled tomorrows
like yesterdays shirt
Monday, November 16, 2009
headlights and halos
Stained brown from smoking
Other peoples castoffs
Drizzling rain falls gently
Changing the days perception
To that of a dream
I stop and watch a girl
In mukluks and a miniskirt
Hurry into 501 Markham
Crossing Broadway looking
Ahead headlights and halos
Rush toward me
I pick up the pace
A little and wince at the
Painful blister on the
Heel of my
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Boones Farm song
as we stand outside
a mom and pop store
in the same
that our parents
first kissed
its hard to dance
When your
drunk and there
is no music
but we would
be in love
so very
lustful youth
lingering kisses
and spring
Friday, November 13, 2009
Play For Me
Play for me
At night as I
Lay in melancholy
Some predictably
Like Johnny Cash
Others with head swaying
From side to side
Urge me on Jack
And never come back
In the voice of
Ol blind Ray
chunka chunka
chaunka clackity
I lay keeping time
With my pen tapping
To the trains
And the great songs
Gone by
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Me and Charlie
Rear foot rushing to find balance
We are heavily burdened
He has a cardboard load and I
A stolen tent
We hope its all there
Hiking along the railroad tracks
For a place to be home
The fix (angry or otherwise)
Must wait for this work
To be done
Last night we broke into a house
And lay down to sleep
A half pint
and a quart
Our only lullaby
We eased out this morning
The thorns and ivy open up
Inviting us to stay
And Charlie smiles as I drop
The bag that I carry
Landing with metallic clink
And stability
Later we'll meet Thomas and get high
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Devils' Due
"Wouldn't you rather be a rock star?"
"It would be a damn sight easier, I'd allow."
" No, I want to be a brilliant writer.'
"Brilliant no less, I could make you rich."
" I would sell my soul to be the greatest writer today."
" Listen I'll do what I can, I mean you seem like a good enough kind of fellow, but I am fairly low level you see, I mean I only work here- tell you what I'll run it past my manager see what he says."
"Okay" Danny said feeling a little like he was trying to buy a new car. And again the weird door between time and space opened and closed and the demon was gone. A brief time later he was back.
"Listen Danny I want you to know that I went to bat for you in there, I really did . The thing is you are a little upside down with the whole soul thing, I mean there has been a good deal of depreciation, you've got some damage there too. Bottom line is we are gonna have to take a pass."
"How about Grisham good?'
" Maybe just a popular blog...?"
" Listen sit down here with me", Danny sat with him on the side of the bathtub and they talked about what they could do.
When Danny woke up he had a shit taste in his mouth and the kind of strange sense of memory that you have after a night of disjointed dreams, this one had taken the cake though he wasn't sure he had ever had one that seemed so real. He sat up and saw a pint of bourbon on the milk crate along with a pack of generic cigarettes, neither had been opened. So, reaching he busted the seal on the Kentucky pain killer first and drank deep,
"What the hell it's not like I'll miss it", and tore the cellophane open on the smokes, shook one loose and lit it before crossing the room to the mess of papers scattered across his makeshift desk.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
walk on
hope from me
rinsing away all
but desperation
tall buildings
bully me
lean in on me
square shoulders
barring progress
cars roar by
slashing puddles
in half
headlights staring
mocking me
i walk on
with my
soaking boots
shhkik kashaw
shhkik kashaw
my progress
like brushes
on a snare drum
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
what the hell
downtown drinking
smelling like the bottom
side of a saddle
i smile wondering
what the hell
i was pony boy
i was james fucking dean
i was johnny cash and
spun out steve mcqueen
i frown wondering
what the hell
That my pride
That my ego
Would be any
Because I have
Because I am
Did you think that
I became thirty
Units of
Dope drawn up
Ready to mix with
One more pint
A man
To mix
With mankind with
When self is
Becomes huge
With an
Inferiority complex
Monday, September 14, 2009
To sleep
Chokes me like a
500 pound
I am seasoned
And dry rubbed
In Filth
Fuzz from give away
Blankets in the
Stubble of my
Shaved head
I fear sleep
In sleep the past
Like mist
On water
Into my soul
In sleep
The past
Smothers me
Molasses thick
I will
Enter her
Only with
Assurance of
Kentucky grains
Whiskey rebellions
The day
Comes to fast
And I must
Move on
Friday, August 21, 2009
Love Me
"You never stay with me, you only want to screw then run off to your crazy chicken fights."
"Baby, quit that. Calm down what's wrong."
"You don't really love me, you never did. Your crazy fucking roosters killing each other, your gambling, your dope- you love all of that more than you love me! You never did."
"Baby, no", he says holding his hands low, just above his waist, palms down trying to calm her. As drunk as JoEllen was right now she was nothing to mess with.
She picked up a steak knife from the counter and tears, first from one eye then a moment later the other, slid gently down her dimpled cheeks. She was wearing one of those T-shirts that people call wife beaters, a sort of tank top style undershirt, it was tight across her ample breasts, and panties that looked like a little girls', pink with some kind of Japanese cartoon image on them and knee high tube socks with stripes at the top like basketball players in the 70's wore. Her hair was in total disarray and her eyes as large as a doe deers' were ringed black with yesterdays mascara, one slightly drooping from the effects of the alcohol. As he eased towards her he could not help but be a little turned on by both her beauty and her danger.
"You bastard I should kill you, you never really loved me."
" Jo, baby- Jo you know I love you, you know I love you more than anything. I will love you forever."
Sobbing now she began to shake, she let the hand with the knife lower just a little and Jason walked on over and took it from her and wrapped his arms around her , and held her.
"Shhhh", he said gently , as if talking to a very small child and pulled back slightly to wipe tears from her face.
"Hush now", he whispered and delicately moved a strand of hair from her eyes.
She leaned forward and he kissed her softly on her forehead, and her neck, and her eyelids, kissing away the pain that lived inside of her always. The pain that told her that nobody loved her, and that everybody she cared about would leave her alone in the end. Just like they always had.
"Come on girl, let me get us a beer", and he walked with her holding her hand into the back room to the tiny little refrigerator that was beside their bed. She laid down and he pulled out two Pabst Blue Ribbons and laid beside her.
" You always..." she started to say something but even the beginning was nearly to quiet to hear,then slowly she turned up the ice cold beer , drinking deeply from it.
"Do you remember when we first met," Jason asked, "Do you remember the night in KOs' house?"
" We smoked crack."
"Yeah, and she was gone, and the house was full of crap because she was remodeling and we laid on a mattress in the front room and made love."
"... And there was plastic covering the windows and the wind kept blowing and making the plastic pop and I was so scared."
And the both of them lay there and drank more beers and remembered that night, after the sex was done and the drugs had run out and it was just the two of them so far away from the crazy lives they lived a few blocks over, so far from the hustlers, and the kooks, and the thieves and the whores and all of the others that made up the circle of their association.And honest with each other for the first time they had talked. She had told him about her father and his friends and her childhood, and her scars. How when she had finally gotten old enough to resist and say no to him, and how she wished her mother had not died, and how when he tired of her saying no again and again her father had poured lighter fluid on her and set her on fire, scarring her legs and most of her right side and all of her heart.
And he told her about his wife and kids and how the marriage had failed and how when he could no longer see his children he had given up on life and sunk slowly into the self imposed darkness that engulfed him now. And the drugs, and the crazy chances that he took to insure that he never went without them.
" I don't want you doing stick ups anymore. You'll go back to prison and I will be alone."
"Well, I don't want you turning tricks anymore..."
" It's the only hustle I have..."
"Well what are we gonna do- get straight jobs?"And they both smiled because he may as well have asked if they were going to sprout wings and fly to the moon. So he continued to steal and she to trick and the rest of the time they drank together and fed other hungers and tried to pretend that they could have normal lives.
They got a place together , small , only two rooms. The front a sort of living room and the back, a bedroom with a fridge and a hotplate, tiny bathroom off to the side. Somehow just having a place besides the seedy motels where they had always stayed gave them both a feeling of semi- stability, something that he had all but forgotten and she had never had. She prostituted herself less and less, only doing so when absolutely necessary and he no longer smoked crack which is not to say that he no longer used drugs and didn't drink now more than ever but that one demon at least was behind him. They had money for cigarettes, and rent, and even a weekly trip to Taco Bell- JoEllen liked that. Jason made friends with the neighbor, Segundo, who worked construction and sent money back to Mexico for his wife and children. Sometimes they would drink Modelo in the afternoons and Segundo would tell stories about his kids. Some nights the three of them would eat dinner together, but never at Taco Bell. Other times Jason and Segundo would go to the cockfights over in the part of town where the Mexicans mostly lived. And JoEllen
only tried to kill Jason when she got really, really drunk. Most days she would drink a half of a gallon of vodka, Ariticrat or Heaven Hill, but on other days she would get into Jason's beer, PBR that he would buy in thirty pack suitcases and on those days she might still get violent. She had been into the beer today.
" I'm not going anywhere baby, I'm gonna stay right here with you."
She finished her beer and threw the empty can across the room and he laughed. She nuzzled closer her head laying on his chest, and he wrapped strong arms around her.
" Do you love me, Jason"
" Of course I do."
" Why do you love me?", she asked,"Tell me why."
" I love you because you are the most beautiful women in the world, and because you are so very sad, I love you because of the smell of your hair and the song of your laughter- I love you because you understand..."
"Understand what?"
"You understand... me."
" I love you Jason," and she turned looking up into his face and kissed him. And passion rose up in them both and they fanned it's flames, until, exhausted they fell over spent. JoEllen was fast asleep and Jason smoked a Marlboro Red until the filter crushed between his fingers then sitting up reached for his chinos, and felt to make sure his wallet was there. Quietly he dressed and slipped out the front door and went to watch the roosters fight.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Brand New
His father
Or maybe
Moms Dad
With earnest
In puddles
The boy in a
Green slicker
Brand new rubbers
When I was
Five years old
I sat watching
A Charlie Brown
Special on
In a brand new
Yellow raincoat
And my Mom
Took a
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Most Beautiful Girl
Holy Crap some days are weird, leaning over her, trying to remember. Holy Crap. She was beautiful. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, but fate deemed their time was done. She was quite dead.
It came flooding back. Last night walking the strip he had seen her. New to him, he knew most of the girls who worked the streets here, it was a small town. She had smiled like some kind of animal: hungry. He didn't have the time then, backpack full of goods, brain gone dry of the substances that drove him. He noticed her none the less. Predator sniffing predator. Kindred spirits. She walked under the streetlights smiling a vendors smile carrying a half of a gallon of cheap vodka for the world to see. She followed with her eyes as he passed by.
Then later, walking back to the hotel, arm full of nod, head full of booze, and a hand full of crack -he saw her again.
Wanna do an oxy? slurring, one eye half closed.
He didn't even answer, never said a word, just looked up the road a block to the hotel and his room and she went with him, rattling the pill bottle as she strolled, oozing sexuality and desire.
They had enjoyed a buffet of drugs and booze and sex acts not for the faint of heart. At some point, satisfied, Griffin had passed out. Their had been plenty of the Oxycontin left at that point. She must have overdosed after.
Shit, shit, shit!
Griffin didn't know what he was going to do but he knew what he was going to do first. Scooping up his keys and money clip from the bedside table he turned and opened the front door.
Hello. How you durin' today?
Flo, the house keeper. She scared the crap out of him!
Jojo in his room still?
Yeah he there,not for long though.
Don't let anybody in here, Flo, Ill be right back.
Trying to look casual Griffin walked as fast as he could to Jojo's room to cope a small piece of dope. Just something to help him focus, to figure out what to do. When he stepped back out of the room Flo was nowhere to be seen. Walking even faster back to his room, fist clinched and sweating around the twenty dollar distraction, he dropped his key clattering across the concrete and bent to pick it up then straightening turned it in the door.
His heart missed a beat, again , then he realized that Flo had brought the whole cleaning cart into his room. She wanted a hit. He could tell from the look on her face that she had seen the girl. Then she put her finger to her lips, so selfish that she hadn't noticed that the sleep would never be interrupted.
Here take this and go. Griffin broke her a little hit off and sent her frowning from the room. Then sat in the obligatory chair next to the bed that every crappy hotel room in the country had. Stuffing the gangster white into the end of the pipe, his hands shook as he pulled a lighter from his pocket. Slowly and with a purpose he breathed the chemical smoke deep into his blood rich lungs. And surely the smoke calmed him and killed the jangling of his nerves. A little closer now, sitting on the edge of the bed Griffin studied her face, her form. She was beautiful. Really not the kind of beauty that you ever get used to, exotic somehow. Lying next to her he finished the dope and wondered.
Later after a call to a great aunt that still trusted him no matter what, Griffin pulled into the hotel lot in a car that looked like it had been borrowed from a trusting aunt. Dusk had begun to shroud him, wrapping dark mother arms about his twisted life. Griffin gathered his meager belongings then walked into the room one last time and picked up the girl gently like she might disappear if he jostled and carried her and put her in the car. Not in the trunk, but belted in the passengers seat like a traveler overcome with slumber. He loved her and could not bear to part with her so instead he leaned over and kissed her cold lips and drove away never thinking of his aunt, or Jojo, or how strange this day had been.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
To sleep
Someone Else
Where I stay
There is a
Jewish Cowboy
Who wants
To be
An artist
Or maybe
He is a
Jewish artist
Who wants
To be a
Or maybe
He is just
That is enough
Or maybe at
When he spreads
His bedroll
He is
Who he really is
Knowing only
He wants to
Something else
I have been
A fighter
But I
Always wanted
To be
A song
I have been
A junkie
I'd rather
Have been
A light
I wonder
If everyone
In this place
Would rather
Someone else
Thursday, July 23, 2009
an overcoat
made of wool
and soaking
It weighs
on me
it ruins the
carpets of
the places
that I
I cannot
most nights
of its
icky itch and
its stench
Some days
I change from
it into
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A gunfighters
Funeral today
Not a
Cowboy hat
In sight
The glamour
Of toting
Not quite
The same
Without them
The sad faces
And souls of
The men though
The same now
As a century
And a half ago
The guilt maybe
Or the things
They have seen
Or maybe
All the bandits
Then and now
Started life as
Scared little boys
Of desperado dads
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
not happy
compared to the three
score and ten
if typical
neither beginning
nor end
of personal timeline
of sadness
but the
saddest still
she looked at me
tears welling
"i'm not happy"
the next day
like a lioness
defending me
the bondsman cuffing me
sending me
to jail
and weeks later
the papers
dissolving the union
"not happy"
she said
crushing me
killing me
dissolving me
and all of
these years
the dreams
of her face
the tears
and the most
of time
haunt me
in sleep
All The While
i wear
a monsters skin
jealous of
i knew
long ago
i was still
Some days
i dont
though i try
very hard
i pray
that i will
Most days
at all
more like
a sad
goldfish SHOUTING
insulated by
half of a gallon of
half an inch of
This morning i
saw a five year old
POP open an umbrella
and walk to
the childrens
chattering to MOTHER
along the
and i remembered then
that I am
human still
I have been all
the while
Monday, July 20, 2009
and buttocks
tiny beads
of sweat
above candy lips
tops flung
the room
jeans hurriedly
escaped one
leg turned out
bed clothes
pushed down
and no cares
in the world
for now
rhetorical passions
spoken and
The Night
Lays naked save
Jewelry of stars
She holds me
In darkest embrace
Caressing my broken heart
I talk to her
And she to me
In whispers and in dreams
Promises spoken
Go unfulfilled
Killed daily by dawns schemes
For Tami
Sunday, July 19, 2009
two rooms
two rooms
one for
the other for
in between
smoking crack
i would wait
while she
my new bride
the two of us
from rehab
made more money
next door
getting mad as hell
like a little
kicking and holding
his breath
she'd get back
with the cash
i would
as fast as i
across the
hotel lot
to cop
we'd smoke
when the next
came through
we would
the whole dance
holy crap
takes her
so long
you get all kinds
rock & roll
chicken shack
on a sunday
the last mullet
in america walks in
wearing a fat redneck
who in turn
is sporting a
hunt often T
and a freightliner
ball cap
from the mullet
when the liquor
closes in the
bible belt states
get all kinds
Friday, July 17, 2009
bruised life
walking from
an alley
wearing a halter top
and jeans and
hand-picked tattoos
another black eye
like fruit
ripened to fast
to soon plucked
from the vine
never maturing
the sweetness
nature had in mind
the only value that
she placed on herself
the crumpled bills
serving selfish desire
and i knew
that this was
her life
a produce market
reselling the same
tomato until
damaged and bruised
no one else
would buy it
A Pox On You, Criminal
there are
pagan police
officers in
They are
allowed certain
days off.
Summer Solstice.
I have
been cursed
by the cops
here in the
But never hexed.
I have got to
quit listening
to morning
Brother George Plays Ukulele
Sings Hawaiian songs.
Smiling through the lyrics,
Soul laughing out loud.
People passing by him
As he cries
Haunting notes.
I drink wine from
A coffee cup and
Follow rhythm
With my foot.
Brother George sings
Of a wonderful world
Somewhere over a rainbow
Back home.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
coffee club
i join others milling about
waiting for boiled eggs
and coffee
the saddest people
i have ever known
through strained sobriety
i see my friend and speaking
unlock the personality
he keeps
secreted away
proudly he shows me
an ezra pound screen saver
on a trac phone
and begins to share with me
the madness and lines
he has entrusted to
pharmaceutical mind
i nod
what they are talking about
at starbucks this morning
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Value of Poetry
Check Paris or Rome
Red meat at the start of
A fast food assembly line
Pop and burn the scarred
and veiny backs of my hands.
The pen set aside so few hours
ago, so that a shiny silver spatula
can write it's own verse. So
I can trade Time for Money,
Money for Stuff; like the stiffs do.
A pimple faced boy, not much older
that the son that I haven't seen in years
yells at me to pay attention to
the daunting green screen suspended
over my head with it's demands of
Super-sized sandwiches and
french- fried potatoes.
My mind will not focus on these.
Instead I am in Paris.
I am in Rome. I am drinking wine with
Chinaski. I am in Khans Pleasure Dome.
Hippy Buddhist Vegan Wren
Friend studies
The words of
Men whose foreign
Names I can
Neither recall
Nor pronounce
She blesses me
Though with thoughts
Deep and filled
With meaning
She is brilliant
And wonderful
Consuming the
Meat of Philosophy
But eating no
Just knowing her
Makes me a
Better person
She freaks out when she drives a car
In the end
She is as
Screwed up as
I am
And I love her
That much
Demon Dogs
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
God and the Poet
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
When We Are Rock Stars
a good wife and mother
who lives in a bastion of knowledge and wealth
she is kind
of heart and deed
sometimes she comes to see me
there is no limit to our decadence
we eat the richest deserts first then
dinner with heavy sauces of dairy and drippings
from the bottle without wiping it's near
down our chins
with reckless abandon
committing unnatural acts in elevators of hotels
where we are not even guests
we drive to delta riverboats at three a.m.
and play blackjack and craps
on them making points the hard way
early or late in clubs with pulsing music to loud to stand
skin touching skin with no music at all
save what is in our hearts
and then after THE FINAL CURTAIN
we are ourselves again
the homemaker and the hobo
until the next time that
the arkansas queen
as she passed by
and i was unconvinced
that she enjoyed
the symbiotic relationship
she shared with
amateurishly drunk
tourist on her upper deck
the wide paddle wheel
waved good -bye
churning brown water white
easing slowly down the river
befitting a gal
her age
For Bukowski
of natural causes
he drank himself
i steal and cry
In Transit
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fathers Day
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Relative Value
i mean of any value
if i did i would
sell it drink it up
i have a twenty
year old van
that i live in
and get around
but last night
under the bridge
a breeze blew up
and stirred the papers
where i had written
the words that i birthed
nearly sending them scattered
across the filthy parking lot
you would have thought
a thief came by
and tried to
steal my child
i grabbed and
reached spilling
my drink as
i caught them
Flat Broke At The Shell ( On Broadway and 9th )
Could you hep me
Get somethin' to eat"
I think ' If only
I had a wheelchair
The money I'd hustle'
" I've a buck fourteen
I panhandled and
I need a beer,
Anything left and
it's yours"
" Never mind", he says,
" What kind of beer you want?
Wait in your car"
I shrug my shoulders
And walk barefooted back
And wait
Rolling out of the
Shell Station smiling
A few minutes later
He pulls an
Oil can of High Life
From the back of his chair
I hand him the change
" Now everybody gots
what they want"
I doubt though
That he bought
Something to eat
Dry Hustle
this morning
I needed gas
I ran out
On my way to
The pawn shop
I copped 20
Bought cigarettes
And 5 more in gas
I drove over
To a trap
That I know
Went to see a
Fat chick I know
Smiled and copped 10 more
I told a guy
At the station
That I was in
Quite a bind
20 more dollars gone
10 minutes time
Life ain't easy (but dyin's a bitch)
Mugginess lays
Heavy like a
Fat bed partner
Hogging the sheets
The night quiet
Broken only
By cars
On Markham
Even the river
Sleeps content
No tossing
Or turning
Or fitful dreams
The wind gone
Like a child
At Hide and Seek
While I close
My eyes counting
There is a magical
Strangeness about this hour
A still loneliness
Like old shoes
Secret Weapon
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Gods Pick in the Second Fight
The Tramp Trail at Lunch
Friday Afternoon in Summer
their smiles
Cool Breeze Angel
Of Syntax
The Kindest Death
As it gave up the ghost
No more crawling
Across the floor
His kindest death
The stomping death
Had past by him
Years before
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Broadway Wheels
Glory Days
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I Awoke Naked (Vestis Virum Reddit)
In the Mornings
Friday, June 5, 2009
Waiting on Bruce
"Sure", I say
"How do you get in" he says tugging at the door handle,
" I'll get it", and slide over into the front seat, the outside door pull is broken or something -it happened when the window came off the track and now I have to reach inside to open that door and hold onto the window if I roll it up or down for fear it might fall out.
So then the Forehead guy , who can't get in now because I'm in the drivers seat, hands me a Garmin GPS thing-a-ma-jig like you mount on your dash for driving directions and wants me to plug it up. I'm not surprised because that's his thing- in fact that's both these guys thing- busting car windows and ripping off peoples GPS units. When I plug it in I get nothing so I take a closer look and its got like an extra hole under the one where the power cable goes in, it seems strange,
"That one has been operated on or something" Chris or Dave or whatever the forehead guys name is says, and I say,
" Yea maybe its Pre-stolen or something" and hand it back. He turns and throws it back into the car as Wade the Mormon ( no disrespect to Mormons intended that's just his handle, I mean he is a Mormon who also just happens to be a dope fiend and a thief) walks around the front of his car to ask me for a smoke. No sooner than I give him one all hell breaks loose, from every direction the night explodes into lights and sirens, 15 or 20 police cruisers swarm in, doors flying open and cops with pistols drawn screaming at the tops of their collective lungs,
"Give it up , Give it up - Who's got it."
"Fuck", I think,
"Fuck", I say out loud.
"Get out of the van now" I am directed by the friendly public servant, and when I am not fast enough, I am even assisted in this endeavor.
At this point I am relatively sure of two things ; that I am going back to prison and I am gonna have to purchase a shank to kill Wade and the forehead just as soon as I can. Luckily for me though this cop comes up on one of those two wheeled vehicles that you ride in a standing position- you know the ones that were hyped as revolutionary devices with world changing results- and tells the first set of assholes that I sleep there every night in my van and that Ive been there a while and they know I am not involved in the heinous crime that resulted in menacing 9 millimeter threats to my life and some old fashion bumps to the head, anyway as I type this I am getting thirsty and cant keep focus so long story short they take me to jail for a couple of old warrants and hold me until the this morning, Wade the Morman suddenly gets right with his Maker and snitches off the guy with the fucked up forehead and I'm ass out of a van because they impounded my van and I cant get it back without a drivers license and paper work- but that's where Bruce comes in -see the van legally belongs to Bruce the guy I got it from and I got in touch with him so he's coming from Kansas City to help me out. So for now I am just waiting on Bruce so I might as well have a beer or two.
Blog Archive
- The Most Beautiful Girl
- To sleep
- Someone Else
- Regret
- Cowboys
- Why Are Your Poems So Dark? : Poetry Everywhere : ...
- not happy
- All The While
- passion
- The Night
- For Tami
- two rooms
- you get all kinds
- bruised life
- A Pox On You, Criminal
- Brother George Plays Ukulele
- coffee club
- The Value of Poetry
- Check Paris or Rome
- Forgotten
- Hippy Buddhist Vegan Wren
- Demon Dogs
- God and the Poet
- When We Are Rock Stars
- the arkansas queen
- For Bukowski
- In Transit
- Fathers Day
- Relative Value
- Flat Broke At The Shell ( On Broadway and 9th )
- Dry Hustle
- Life ain't easy (but dyin's a bitch)
- Untitled
- Secret Weapon
- Gods Pick in the Second Fight
- The Tramp Trail at Lunch
- Friday Afternoon in Summer
- Cool Breeze Angel
- The Kindest Death
- Broadway Wheels
- Glory Days
- #113
- I Awoke Naked (Vestis Virum Reddit)
- In the Mornings
- Waiting on Bruce
About Me

- stickbooth
- I struggle with addiction and am just recently out of prison- I dislike most people and am bitter and self destructive. Yet somehow I have a good time. My first wife wanted to be an FBI agent when I met her in college, and the last one was a prostitute,the former gave me three great kids that I named Dakota, Skye and Willow, the latter a hell of a hard time. In the past I have been a busboy, a waiter, and a bartender. I have worked in nearly all construction trades including carpentry, brick laying, electrical, weilding, and plumbing. Once I had a job where I climbed tree's for a living. I fought Mixed Martial Arts when they still called it No Holds Barred, I have sold cars and was an editorial cartoonist. I am a failed actor, to lazy to try very hard, and lived with outlaw bikers in Northern California. I served as a medic in the army,and studied creative writing as well as radio tv. I cook a mean breakfast and like to sit and think sometimes all day. Did I say think or drink?