Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God and the Poet

that God
and The Poet
so often
is no surprise
at least not to me
you see
to Be a Poet
a REAL one
mind you
not some ass
looking for a couple of
that happen
to rhyme
to be a real Poet
is to be
or a little god
at least
it is to be a
of worlds and dreams
a generator of
love and hate
laughter and tears
of human weakness
and heroic strength
but like that
most beautiful angel
fallen long ago
we are not
at best poor plagiarizers
of His creation
and somehow
pisses us off

1 comment:

  1. So when are you going to post more???



About Me

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I struggle with addiction and am just recently out of prison- I dislike most people and am bitter and self destructive. Yet somehow I have a good time. My first wife wanted to be an FBI agent when I met her in college, and the last one was a prostitute,the former gave me three great kids that I named Dakota, Skye and Willow, the latter a hell of a hard time. In the past I have been a busboy, a waiter, and a bartender. I have worked in nearly all construction trades including carpentry, brick laying, electrical, weilding, and plumbing. Once I had a job where I climbed tree's for a living. I fought Mixed Martial Arts when they still called it No Holds Barred, I have sold cars and was an editorial cartoonist. I am a failed actor, to lazy to try very hard, and lived with outlaw bikers in Northern California. I served as a medic in the army,and studied creative writing as well as radio tv. I cook a mean breakfast and like to sit and think sometimes all day. Did I say think or drink?